
Lol random photo

Hello everyone! I have some deatils that you need to know about the upcoming "school months". I will no longer be availible after and the day of August 17. But i will certainly be back during winter break (maybe) and next summer and spring break. I am going into 6th grade and i hope i can pass this grade!!! :) my family has been messed up lately so sorry of the delay of modding. You can keep in contact with me anouther website that isn't a wikia named (remove the braces or whatever they are called.).

I will be on that webiste almost every day.

I am going into 6th grade and hoping to passs it.

So contact me on my profile if you have any questions.

and on the website i had expliend you can fine me on there by my username on there XxMockingjaypinxX

See you guys soon!
